
Make It Great In 2008


Here are 5 steps to an exciting year ahead!

1] Step up and impact another life. Everyone has a calling to share God's love with others. Be an ambassador in 2008.

2] Step up and pursue your deep desires. Go after that God given hidden dream. Everyone has them. They have to do with your gifts and talents.

3] Step up and face the giants. Everyone has hindrances and obstacles standing in the way of dreams. Go slay the giants in 2008. Don't let them rob you of another year.

4] Step up and claim God's blessings for this coming year. Every child of God is favored and honored by their Father. Don't miss or neglect the gifts and special things God has in His blessing box for you.

5] Step up and pursue something new. Great opportunities and rewards are waiting for believers willing to walk by faith. Step up to a new adventure this year with God. Go for it in faith. Read Isa. 43:18-21 NLT