
Too Tired, Too Old To Travel?


Not Abraham. At 75 years of age he made the biggest journey of a lifetime. Not knowing yet going. That was he. God said to him in Gen. 12 leave your country, leave your people, leave your household [family and possessions] and go to a land I will show you. If Abraham can do it so can you.

Do what? Live by faith, start something new, obey God without knowing the end results, and stop questioning everything God chooses to do in your life. So don't wait till you are 75 years old to get the message. What challenge lies ahead for you today? Where can you right now start living by faith? Just like Abraham the results for you will be immensely rewarding! So get ready to go places this fall for God. Anyone for a Baja journey to reach the lost in villages filled with kids and those with no knowledge of God? Did anyone dare to say "too tired or too old"?