Surprise Gift
Yes I received a surprise! Overcome! I was totally blown away by what happen last Sunday after the sermon!
We had a great "Sounds of Christmas Joy" musical worship service with lots of special talent last week and then it happened. They surprised me with a Christmas present.
The elders came up with Pastor Mark and said they had a surprise gift for me. First they all prayed for me and Pam and our ministry. Next they put three boxes on a table in front of me and said open.
It was like the ad, you know........OPEN...OPEN...OPEN!
So I began to open and weep in front of the entire church family. First box was a huge Nikon camera (not the pocket size but the professional size). Second box was a telephoto lens to go with the already huge camera. I think the lens (300mm) weighs about 10 pounds, it is beautiful. Finally the third box was books teaching me how to use my new photo toys.
What can I say..... I was never so surprised in my life.
So this is how I felt as I opened the gifts. First I felt really really loved by this Godly family of believers, then I felt so many emotions like...humbled, tearful, unbelief, how come me?, all too expensive for our struggling group, appreciated and truly honored by my (I mean our) family. I felt really speechless of saying anything meaningful.
I was truly blessed in a overwhelming way last Sunday.